Friday, January 22, 2010

Non-hodgkins Lymphoma Side Effects Pain In Leg Side Effects Of Rutuxin In Non-hodgkins Lymphoma?

Side effects of rutuxin in non-hodgkins lymphoma? - non-hodgkins lymphoma side effects pain in leg

I made a tour of rutuxin gravis in myasthenia, and I know from my experience I have had severe headaches and nausea during the course of treatment, and because the long term, I know he will kill all B-cells and have some time between the courses of chemotherapy in this particular wait. While useful for many different diseases, is a solid and heavy medication.
I am not a doctor, but I hope that at least useful and informative. Good luck with this issue I would like him luck.


Rob said...

Fatigue is often the greatest effect of Rituxan. Although each person may experience different side effects, because each react differently from our body. I had chemo with Rituxan in the last 3 years and am currently receiving Rituxan alone, and for me, fatigue is the only thing that is annoying.
If you have fever, nausea or other effects, ask your doctor visit.

8 -)

Rob said...

Fatigue is often the greatest effect of Rituxan. Although each person may experience different side effects, because each react differently from our body. I had chemo with Rituxan in the last 3 years and am currently receiving Rituxan alone, and for me, fatigue is the only thing that is annoying.
If you have fever, nausea or other effects, ask your doctor visit.

8 -)

bsingers... said...

My husband was treated with CHOP rutuxin through his non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The rutuxin was a drug very unpleasant for him, but everyone reacts differently. I understand that is the first treatment, the worst thing for most people. But it is a wonder drug. It is one of the best new drugs. My husband had a mass, 12 cm, which we are told, a mass of 6 cm is considered to be very large, and their treatment, cancer is now free. So many thanks to God for rutuxin. Nurses and doctors told me that this drug a miracle cure for it was, and we say that we are lucky enough, to obtain. So stay positive.

Char said...

For me very little, almost nothing.
Rituxan was like a miracle drug for me.
The CHOP was a side effect and not wild.
But hey, I'm still here.
Visit this site for more information:
Best wishes.

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